With technology invading our private space and taking hold of our life, one wonders how long it will take till we lose all physical objects and turn digital. E-mails are much more convenient than letters or telegrams. ‘Skyping with someone is cheaper and more feasible than going and meeting someone in the opposite end of the world. So, are e-books better than actual books?
This brought up another debate at CD. The room was divided into two, on one side were the tech savvy geeks, who thought that e-books are the right way to go. Think of storage, cost, and durability. People don’t still read from scrolls or tablets, so why should you still read from books. Technology always makes way for easier options and humans have always embraced it. While on the other side, were people from the old school. Think of the illustrations on the books, the joy of unpacking your favorite book and the sweet smell of an old book.
There can not be an end to this argument, but here’s hoping that the future generations atleast have the option of choosing from an actual book and reading a book that’s projected in some corner of their brain
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