Thursday, 29 November 2012


With technology invading our private space and taking hold of our life, one wonders how long it will take till we lose all physical objects and turn digital. E-mails are much more convenient than letters or telegrams. ‘Skyping with someone is cheaper and more feasible than going and meeting someone in the opposite end of the world. So, are e-books better than actual books?

This brought up another debate at CD. The room was divided into two, on one side were the tech savvy geeks, who thought that e-books are the right way to go. Think of storage, cost, and durability. People don’t still read from scrolls or tablets, so why should you still read from books. Technology always makes way for easier options and humans have always embraced it. While on the other side, were people from the old school. Think of the illustrations on the books, the joy of unpacking your favorite book and the sweet smell of an old book.

There can not be an end to this argument, but here’s hoping that the future generations atleast have the option of choosing from an actual book and reading a book that’s projected in some corner of their brain

Monday, 26 November 2012

Top 5 Sci-fi films based on literary works

Here’s a compilation of the top 5 sci-fi films based on novels that we at Cinedarbaar recommend:


Cinedarbaar’s pick for travel/ road films

Let’s face it who doesn’t like travelling? Travel broadens the mind they say and all of us at CD hop on the first bus or train when the opportunity comes knocking. Needless to say, when you enter the monotony of everyday life and work, such opportunities are rare. We love watching films based on travel, films where the protagonist wants to reach a destination, or as they say where the journey itself becomes the destination for most of them. That wide angle shot of the dry Texas landscape in Wim Winders’ Paris, Texas or the beautiful Japnese countryside in Kitano’s Kikujiro, transports the viewer right there, as if you can smell the asphalt or feel prick of the sun. Such is the power of Cinema. So, when it came to books on travel during Qitaabé , we thought why not extend it to films as well. We have compiled a little list of 25 of our favorite road films, in doing so we have surely missed out on loads of other amazing road films, but this is just from the top of our minds . Bare in mind these are films where the road is not just a setting or a backdrop but a crucial part of the narrative. The road propels the narrative, the characters take shape based on what happens on the road. The road here is not just restricted to ‘roads’ on the street but it’s a manifestation of the path or the way the characters decide to take and how it plays a crucial role in shaping their life. Hope you find this useful. Oh and we can’t wait to watch the adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road.
a.Alice in the cities
c.Wrong move
d.Kings of the road
e.Y tu mama tamien
f.Into the wild
g.Mystery train
h.Wendy and lucy
i.The Beach
j.Half moon
k.Paris, texas
m.Planes trains and automobiles
n.Easy rider
o.Old joy
p.Fear and loathing in las vegas
q.The Darjeeling limited
r.The straight story
s.About Schmidt
u.In July
v.The Return
w.Riding alone for thousands of miles
x.La Strada
y.The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner


Friday, 23 November 2012

The Beginning

It’s the first week of Qitaabé, and needless to say there is a buzz in the air.  A bit scared as to how it will be received, but hoping for the best.  It’s been hell of a lot of fun preparing this campaign and researching for it. I’ve gotten to know so much about books and authors, and it leaves me in awe to witness the richness of English literature. While doing this I’ve gone back to some of the books that I’ve already read and come to know about the ones that I should have known but hadn’t for some reason! Sincerely hope this works out well for everyone, and if even 10 people pick up a book because of this campaign, I will be a happy man. Needless to say, the more the better! Let’s wait and watch how it pans out.


Book Hour

On 9th December 2012 India will be celebrating Book Hour from 8pm -9 pm. Book Hour was an idea born out of the initiative to promote book reading as a fun activity. For those who read with a passion, make sure you don’t put your book down during book hour and for those who don’t, what better way to start this wonderful act than by doing it at the same time with millions of people! So tell your friends, neighbors, uncles and aunties to pick up a book, any book or magazine, even a newspaper or flyer will do, and read for at least an hour! Let’s make this a collective and a connective effort.
What now? Start by spreading the word about book hour, let it spread like wildfire. Get people to like the Qitaabé Page and talk about the campaign. Think of what you will be reading during Book Hour, where and with whom; share it with the world and see who else is on the same page as you!
More info coming soon!!